Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, Alte Oper or the Old Opera House concert hall built in 1880 which was destroyed by bombs in 1944 and rebuilt in the 1970's before being opened in 1981, facade detail viewed...
Germany, Hesse, Idstein, Detail of the 17th century Killingerhaus which is one of the outstanding half-timbered houses in the Altstadt or old town and a listed building now acting as the town's touris...
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Dusseldorf, Rathaus or City Hall, facade detail.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Valencia Province, Valencia, Puente del Reino Trinidad bridge across the Gardens of Turia, detail of carving.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Palazzo Salina built in the Plateresque style in 1538, the palace takes the name La Salina because it was the headquarters of the salt tobacco office until 1870.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Cloister of El Colegio de Arzobispo Fonseca also known as The Irish College which housed Irish students who came to Salamanca to escape the religious persecution of...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Cloister of El Colegio de Arzobispo Fonseca also known as The Irish College which housed Irish students who came to Salamanca to escape the religious persecution of...